Project Status - Completed
- Start Date: April 2019
- End Date: January 2021
- Local Growth Fund allocation: £427,000
- Awarded to: BCP Council
- Part of the Port of Poole Programme
Project Summary:
Cabot Lane / Broadstone Way is one of a series of schemes that falls within the key junction improvements of the wider Port of Poole programme.
Cabot Lane / Broadstone Way Junction was delivered to ease congestion and increase road safety. The improvement scheme seeks to encourage safe walking and cycling, whilst improving the flow of traffic through the junction. The improved junction increases flow along the A349 between the Strategic Road Network and the Port of Poole, reducing queuing and delays.
- Resurfacing of the whole junction (circa 4000m2) to 68psv to improve safety by replacing area of poor quality surface, improving skid resistance and reducing the need for emergency maintenance
- Installation of two puffin crossing and one zebra crossing
- Amended signal staging to better match traffic flows which is expected to reduce delays
- Early detection equipment to help give cyclists a hurry call at the Cabot Lane southwest bound cycle crossing to reduce waiting times
- Widening of footway areas around the crossing points and also widening the footway area approaching the cycling crossing point to a minimum of 3m.
- The installation of Copenhagen style cycle stands at either side of the Cabot Lane southwest bound cycle crossing.
- Continued economic growth of the Port of Poole.
- Improved air quality and reduced noise pollution.
- Creation of safer routes to school and work through the junction.
- Increased physical activity levels leading to better health and wellbeing of residents.
- Attract new users to National Cycle Route 25.
View the End of Project Report.