We work with many different partners within Dorset to promote Dorset and drive our economy.

Dorset National Landscape

The Dorset National Landscape covers almost half of Dorset and is part of a family of nationally important protected landscapes. Dorset National Landscape Partnership is made up of several groups representing local and environmental interests; local landowners, businesses, environment groups, and local authority representatives; and also various governmental organisations. 

Visit Dorset National Landscape's website

Dorset Coast Forum

The Dorset Coast Forum (DCF) is an independent strategic coastal partnership, which looks at the long term, broad-scale issues facing the Dorset coast and its inshore waters. The overriding aim of the forum is to promote a sustainable approach to the management, use and development of Dorset’s coastal zone to ensure that its inherent natural and cultural qualities are maintained and enhanced for the benefit of future generations. Established in 1995, DCF has a strong network of over 1,000 members from over 260 organisations.

Visit Dorset Coast Forum's website

Dorset Cyber Alliance

Dorset Cyber Alliance is a group of business leaders, public service managers, academics, skilled professionals and interested citizens. Our Board and advisory group have access to international expertise as well as local knowledge of cyber security implementation.

Visit Dorset Cyber Alliance's website

Dorset EMC

DEMC aims to provide an information hub and forum for collaboration by:

  • Helping to raise the profile of the engineering and manufacturing sector and the work of companies within Dorset in particular to drive productivity and growth
  • Developing supply chain opportunities in order to increase market share
  • Providing an opportunity to network and collaborate through a programme of events and workshops
  • Supporting solutions to underpin workforce development, skills, training and apprentice schemes
  • Identifying ways of working with education providers and research organisations to drive innovation
  • Provide information on access to business support, market intelligence, finance and funding

Visit Dorset EMC's website

Dorset Local Nature Partnership

Local Nature Partnerships (LNPs) originate from the Government’s Natural Environment White Paper 2011, ‘The Natural Choice: securing the value of nature’.  In the paper the Government recognised the importance of partnership work in delivering positive environmental change at a local level. The aim of the resulting LNPs is to work within their local area, creating positive change through strategic, integrated management of the natural environment.

LNPs involve a broad range of stakeholders who are able to work with and influence decision makers, ensuring that the value of the natural environment is embedded in the local decision-making process.

Visit Dorset Local Nature Partnership's website

Silicon South

Silicon South is an ambitious not-for-profit organisation dedicated to accelerating the digital economy in Dorset – one of the fastest growing creative and digital hubs in Europe. Set up in 2013 by an energetic group of digital industry specialists and supporters, it has grown to become not only a support organisation for the area but a moniker for the vibrant and inspiring Dorset region.

As an organisation, Silicon South delivers projects, manages investment, nurtures new talent, and encourages cross-industry collaboration to make Dorset the best place for digital and creative organisations to thrive. As a place Silicon South is a bustling economy of passionate and motivated digital and creative organisations who punch well above their weight on a global scale. It is a hot bed for start-ups, scale-ups and multinationals to set up, thrive and expand.

Visit Silicon South's website

Smart City Consortium

The Smart Place Research & Development Consortium, which includes major private sector technology partners, local authorities, local universities, Dorset LEP, Dorset Clinical Commissioning Group and Public Health Dorset, has been formed to accelerate the region’s Smart Place programme that will enable productivity, drive innovation across the region and generate value for people, business and place.

Visit Dorset

Information about Dorset – accommodation, what’s on, things to do, food and drink, shopping.

See Visit Dorset's website