Avenue of trees



Dorset LEP has successfully delivered 54 projects, enabling improvements across the county in transport and digital infrastructure, education, health and wellbeing, research and innovation, business sites and tourist attractions. Our investments have helped unlock key housing and employment sites, created more highly skilled jobs, and supported economic growth.

Dorset LEP was awarded a total of £98.4m capital investment as part of the government’s Local Growth Fund (LGF) programme to support regional growth, and to date, has attracted over £85 million in match-funding.

Creating strategic impact

Dorset LEP invested in 54 projects under this programme and an independent evaluation has confirmed that this was successful in:

  • Raising the profile & image of Dorset
  • Delivering catalytic benefits for the Dorset economy
  • Unlocking partnership & collaboration across public, third & private sectors
  • Enabling cluster growth & supporting priority sectors.

Our LGF programme is set to deliver significant return on investment of £15.70 for every £1 spent.

To date, every £1 we have invested through the LGF programme has generated an additional £1.10 in Gross Value Added (GVA) annually, and £3.87 in private investment. 

By 2025, it is anticipated that every £1 of our LGF investment will generate an additional £3.36 GVA  annually and lever £8.19 in private investment, and by 2030, the potential and indicative GVA impacts of our LGF programme could equate to £1.546bn, which is £15.70 for every £1 spent.

The LGF programme spans a 10-year period from 2015 to 2025.

Our summary document provides key highlights of the achievements from this programme, as well as illustrative case studies of a selection of our projects.                                      

View projects in Dorset benefiting from our Local Growth Fund

For more information about our Local Growth Fund investments, please contact our programme management office by emailing dorsetleppmo@bournemouth.ac.uk.