dorset economic data & trends

Dorset LEP's *draft* review of the economic data and trends affecting the county of Dorset. 

One of our core functions as a Local Enterprise Partnership has been to carry out economic planning for the 'functional economic market area' that covers the whole of the Dorset and BCP geography.

While this responsibility has now transferred to the local authorities, this year (2024-25) we have agreed to provide a draft strategy on their behalf for the area.  Whilst we started this work before the General election (in 2024), the new Labour Government’s ambitious plans to stimulate growth and tackle regional inequality means that this work is even more relevant now.

Economic Evidence Base 2024: A Framework for Growth for the Pan Dorset Area

The Framework for Growth was informed by a full review (2024) of the economic data and trends affecting our area; development of a common set of sectoral definitions and analysis of key economic metrics for the defined sectors. These documents can be found here:


Sectoral definitions

To support the development of the Pan Dorset Framework for Growth (published March 2025), we have also worked with partners in our area to develop a common set of sectoral definitions.

The following report provides a set of agreed SIC code definitions for sectors that are commonly referred to in the Pan Dorset area. It should be noted, that the definitions developed here may differ from those used in other documents contained within the data and insights page.
The sector definitions report can be found here: SECTOR DEFINITIONS

Analysis of key economic metrics for the defined sectors

In addition, the following spreadsheet provides an analysis of key economic metrics for the defined sectors: SECTOR ANALYSIS