Exciting options identified in the Dorset Low Carbon Investment Opportunities document support our county's journey to net zero. They have the potential to create significant economic and social benefit for communities, people and businesses across the county, while achieving national ambitions for carbon reduction.
Smart energy networks, heat decarbonisation, electric vehicle charging and transport decarbonisation are among the range of options available to Dorset highlighted in the document.

Dorset's Local Industrial Strategy (LIS) states the ambition for Dorset is to be ‘a place that is energy resilient, utilising local renewable energy sources'. The Joint LEP Energy Strategy Framework: Cornwall and Isles of Scilly, Dorset and Heart of the South West lays out the vision for energy infrastructure in the south west with ‘an energy future that is low carbon and more affordable, maximising and retaining benefits in the region’.
Dorset LEP is also part of the South West Net Zero Hub which aims to increase the number, scale and quality of low carbon energy projects across the south west. The hub is a partnership between the West of England Combined Authority (lead partner), ourselves and five other LEPs: Cornwall & Isles of Scilly, GFirst, Heart of the South West, Solent and Swindon & Wiltshire.
We have produced this document, together with key stakeholders in the region, building on existing decarbonisation-related strategic approaches, including the Dorset Investment Prospectus and local authority plans. It is underpinned by a comprehensive an evidence base, and presents a range of opportunities for decarbonising Dorset to help the region deliver on net zero, jobs and green recovery.
The Dorset Low Carbon Investment Opportunities document showcases the opportunities for inward low carbon energy investment and it is aligned with the UK Government’s goal of national net zero emissions by 2050. It presents a range of options with different scenarios modelled for each, showcasing some of the unique opportunities Dorset geography and infrastructure provides. It also details opportunities around energy networks, building energy efficiency, decarbonising heat and transport and key information on costs, jobs and GVA to give an indication of cost-benefit ratios.
The full Dorset Low Carbon Investment Opportunities document can be now be viewed and downloaded.