Assurance framework

Our Local Assurance Framework demonstrates our commitment to transparency and accountability and sets out our approach to appraise, deliver, monitor and evaluate schemes to achieve value for money. It also sets out to prove that funding delegated from national budgets is aligned with national regulations and guidelines.

Our Local Assurance Framework has six sections:

  • Section 1: Strategic ambition and direction of Dorset LEP
  • Section 2: Roles, responsibilities and structure of Dorset LEP and the Accountable Body, Section 151 Officer
  • Section 3: Dorset LEP policies and procedures including scrutiny and audit arrangements
  • Section 4: Dorset LEP decision making processes and ensuring value for money
  • Section 5: Dorset LEP programme delivery and management
  • Section 6: Dorset LEP partnership working, stakeholder management and public engagement

Our Local Assurance Framework is based on guidance provided in the Government's National Assurance Framework.