pan dorset - a framework for growth

Published for consultation, a draft framework for growth, that sets out plans to stimulate growth and improve the prospects for people living in the Pan Dorset area.

We want your views on our draft economic framework

We have published for consultation a draft framework for growth. This sets out plans to stimulate growth and improve the prospects for people living in the Pan Dorset area.

The framework covers the Bournemouth Christchurch and Poole area and the Dorset Council area, which reflects the need to make policy on a scale that reflects people’s working, commuting and social patterns. 

What is the purpose of the framework?
The main purpose of the document is to articulate a shared sense of direction for the area, so that businesses, partners and stakeholders can get behind it and take co-ordinated action to achieve it.  

It serves to communicate our collective ambitions beyond our area and identify ways that we can collectively work with partners in other geographic areas to further joint objectives. It will also help us to identify investment priorities for the pan Dorset area which will help us to lay the groundwork for future funding bids and potential deals with Government. 

Why now?

We have not undertaken a comprehensive review of our evidence base and priorities since the Local Industrial Strategy was published in 2019. A lot has changed since then, therefore a review and refresh is timely and aligns with government asks for updated economic strategies in 2024.

How has this been developed?

The process for developing this framework has involved:

  • a full review of the economic data and trends affecting our area (see link)
  • a review of existing strategies and plans
  • discussions with the LEP partners

How can I get involved?

We would like to know what you think.  You are welcome to comment on any aspect of the document, but in particular:

  • Do you recognise the description of the Pan Dorset area, and the opportunities and challenges set out?
  • Do you agree with the vision for where we want to get to and proposed approach to growth?
  • Are we focusing on the right activities to achieve our six strategic objectives?

Please email us your views to:

Download our Framework for Growth Consultation Document here.

Download the Dorset LEP Draft Socio-Economic Evidence Base 

Published: October 2024