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Dorset LEP successfully secured £11.8 million from the government's £900 million Getting Building Fund, set up to deliver jobs, skills and infrastructure across the country to aid recovery for the UK to 'build back, better'.

Nationally, the Getting Building Fund was targeted in areas facing the biggest economic challenges as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. It supported the delivery of shovel-ready infrastructure projects to boost economic growth, and fuel local recovery and jobs.

Dorset LEP invested £11.8m in nine projects, all of which had a focus on supporting infrastructure and leading to the stimulation of jobs and economic recovery. Our projects looked to develop an uplift in the current skills provision within Dorset and build on existing specialisms in healthcare for example. 

Funding for our projects helped to:

  • Prepare a new trading environment for the end of the UK Transition Period at the Port of Poole

  • Facilitate research, medical innovation and clinical practice enhancements

  • Deliver enhanced digital connectivity full fibre (gigabit) across the Dorset Council spatial area.

Indicative outputs and outcomes 

  • Direct jobs created and safeguarded - 364
  • New apprenticeships - 78
  • Commercial space unlocked (sqm) - 2,251 sqm
  • New or improved learning space unlocked - 1,537 sqm
  • New learners assisted - 18,532
  • Businesses assisted - 599
  • R&D floorspace - 150 sqm
  • New superfast broadband connections - 14,107
  • CO2 emissions saved (kg) - 62,000

All of our projects aligned with our strategic priorities and supported Dorset’s recovery from COVID-19.

The projects funded through Getting Building Fund were delivered by 31 March 2022. For more information on the fund, visit the government website:

View projects in Dorset benefiting from our Getting Building Fund