Dorset LEP logo


Incorporated in June 2016, Dorset LEP is a Community Interest Company (CIC), focused on economic development in Dorset. We are committed to being equitable and inclusive, transparent, accountable and efficient in all that we do - capital investment projects, business support and skills development initiatives.

We are committed to exceptional standards of governance and have robust systems and processes in place to ensure the overall direction, efficiency, regulation and accountability of Dorset LEP. This includes communicating with local stakeholders in an effective and transparent manner.

Accountable Body

The Accountable Body for Dorset LEP is Dorset Council and an Accountable Body SLA manages this relationship. The Chartered Institute of Public Finance and Accountancy (CIPFA) has published Section 151 Officers in Accountable Bodies guidance which can be viewed here

Annual Report

Our Annual Report showcases our outputs and activities from the previous financial year. 

Assurance Framework

Dorset LEP’s Local Assurance Framework demonstrates our commitment to transparency and accountability and sets out our approach to appraise, deliver, monitor and evaluate schemes to achieve value for money. Detailed within our Local Assurance Framework are our policies and procedures.

Our Local Assurance Framework is based on guidance provided in the Government's National Assurance Framework.

Board Members

Dorset LEP is led by a number of board members who are appointed according to our Recruitment Process. Over two thirds of our members are from private sector businesses and higher or further education establishments, while the remainder are from the public sector. Our board is made up of a Chair, Deputy Chair and we're working to ensure that a third of our members are female. 

Find information relating to the operation of our boardboard member profiles, roles and responsibilities and an archive of board meeting dates, papers and minutes

Delivery Plan

Our current Delivery Plan sets out the activities that we will carry out in the 2024/25 financial year.

Financial information

We receive funding from government as well as further funding and investment from our partners including BCP Council and Dorset Council. Find information about our finances.

Governance Structure

Our governance structure is made up of the Department for Business & Trade, Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities, our Accountable Body and a range of committees and advisory boards.

Legal Personality

Our Articles of Association explain our purpose as well as our duties and responsibilities. Dorset Local Enterprise Partnership is the trading name of Dorset Local Enterprise Partnership CIC, a company limited by guarantee, registered in England and Wales. 

Our company registration number is 10246567 and registered address is 6th Floor, Poole House, Fern Barrow, Poole, Dorset BH12 5BB.

Policies and procedures

We have set out our key policies and procedures below:

Access all of our policies and procedures. 

Section 151 Officer 

The Chartered Institute of Public Finance and Accountancy (CIPFA) has published Section 151 Officers in Accountable Bodies guidance. The Section 151 Officer is required to report on their work for Dorset LEP in the form of an annual assurance statement.