Project Status - Completed
- Start Date: January 2019
- End Date: June 2019
- Local Growth Fund allocation: £1,835,280
- Awarded to: BCP Council
Project Summary
Construction started in January 2019 and involved widening the carriageway to improve ever increasing vehicle numbers and traffic exiting to Cooper Dean Roundabout. The works delivered a dedicated lane A338 Southbound on to the roundabout which will improve access to Bournemouth Hospital and help open up development on Wessex fields creating new jobs and businesses.
Construction activities comprised:
- Carriageway Widening to improve capacity and journey times
- Resurfacing to enhance ride quality, vibration and reduce noise.
- A single concrete central reserve barrier to better safety and reduce maintenance.
- Improved drainage and
- Completion of slip roads in readiness for the Wessex Fields Development to avoid future disruption on the A338 Spur Road
Works were completed June 2019 on time and within budget.
View the End of Project report.