Project Status - Completed
- Start Date: 30 October 2020
- End Date: 30 June 2021
- Getting Building Fund allocation: £250,000
- Awarded to: Weymouth College
Project Summary:
This project aimed to completely refurbish the college’s Higher Education Centre.
By modernising, refurbishing and further developing the HE Centre, the college significantly improved the student experience. This in turn promoted the college’s HE offer and encourage a greater number of adults and employers to use the college.
The college will maximise the HE progression opportunities for those students wishing to stay and study locally and move into local employment. By offering a professional and appropriately resourced HE Centre, the college will contribute to increasing qualification levels of the Dorset population and equip employers with employee skills required to regenerate the local economy.
As of March 2021, the project has delivered 237 sqm of new refurbished learning floorspace which involves:
• Changing of the Centre’s internal architecture
• Removal of internal walls
• Creation of gallery space, IT space and mixed-use spaces
• New furniture and IT equipment.
By March 2025 the project aims to deliver:
- 40 new indirect jobs created
- 40 new indirect jobs safeguarded
- 80 new apprentices created
- 400 new students created
- 160 new upskilled/ CPD students
The Higher Education Centre was fully operational in September 2021.
View the End of Project report here.