Project Status - Completed
- Start Date: 01/07/2015
- End Date: 31/10/2016
- Local Growth Fund allocation: £700,000
- Awarded to: Bournemouth University
Project Summary:
- Phase 1: Purchase of equipment to establish the Orthopaedic Research Institute - COMPLETED.
- Phase 2: Purchase of additional equipment and expansion of ORI as a global gateway - COMPLETED.
Phase 1 Project Completed
The Orthopaedic Research Institute (ORI) works across Bournemouth University and with local hospitals and industry partners to carry out research aimed at improving current orthopaedic treatments, developing better surgeries and testing new technology and developing better rehabilitation processes.
Local Growth Funding was awarded to establish a research centre of excellence in orthopaedics at Bournemouth University, to grow Dorset’s Orthopaedic Development and Innovation Accelerator Cluster of innovative businesses in this field.
This included the purchase of a number of key pieces of cutting-edge virtual reality training equipment:
- A new world-class orthopaedic gait analysis laboratory - the ‘GRAIL’ (gait real-time analysis interactive laboratory)
- Laser Speckle Contrast Imager - shows real-time, high resolution blood flow images
- Primus RS equipment for muscle testing, joint angle measurement, muscle force testing as well as models of hips for demonstrations and video recording equipment
- Virtual reality arthroscopy (a VR training system for hip arthroscopy based on virtual reality VR techniques). BUORI is the only place in the world to offer this type of keyhole surgery training
- OSSIM Sim-K total knee replacement virtual reality simulator (a VR training system for total knee replacement). BUORI is the first centre in Europe to offer this facility.

Project outcomes continue to be monitored on regular basis.
View the End of Project report here.