Professor Keith Phalp

Pro Vice Chancellor Bournemouth University

Dorset LEP Board Member

Professor Keith Phalp has a life-long passion for the transformative power of education, initially having taught mathematics in schools, with over 30 years of working across a variety of roles in higher education. Keith is currently the Pro Vice Chancellor for Education and Quality and Research and Knowledge Exchange for Bournemouth University. He is an experienced researcher and research leader, with over 200 refereed publications. Professor Phalp’s personal research interests cover software engineering, particularly the early phases of software projects and the relationship between business and software models; model driven development; applications of AI; and, in recent years, social computing, which encompasses digital addiction and online gambling. He has extensive project leadership expertise, having led major successful EC-funded projects, as well as Knowledge Transfer Projects, and his research has brought tangible and financial benefits to the organisations involved.

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