Nick Gaines

Deputy Chair of the Dorset LEP Board and Chair of the Finance, Audit and Corporate Risk Committee

Dorset LEP Board Member

Recently retired, Nick Gaines was Transformation Director of Ultra Electronics (2019-2021) where he led projects to change the culture, organisation, strategy and process. From 2017 to 2019 Nick was President of Ultra’s Energy business, which included manufacturing facilities in the US and UK, including the Ultra sites in Ferndown and Weymouth. Nick was also a Director of Phoenix Nuclear from 2017 to 2021. Phoenix is a US firm that builds the world’s most powerful, compact neutron generators. The company has recently been acquired by Illuminated Holdings where Nick continues to be involved as a consultant. Nick has previously been Managing Director of Ultra Nuclear Control Systems (2012-2017), CIO of Volkswagen Group UK (2008-2012) and Critical Systems Director for BAA (2006-2008). Prior to 2006, Nick led systems engineering works on Heathrow Terminals 5 and 2. Nick has also worked in both management and engineering roles on many high technology projects in financial services, power generation and petrochemical plant. During his career Nick has contributed to several industry bodies and his teams have won awards for innovation in physics, construction and computing. Nick is also a member of the Nominations and Remuneration Committee and the Finance, Audit and Corporate Risk Committee.

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