Project Status - Ongoing
- Start Date: April 2017
- End Date: 31 December 2022
- Growing Places Fund Loan allocation: £1,979,167
- Awarded to: Dorset County Council (now Dorset Council)
Project Summary:
Dorset LEP allocated £1,979,167 Growing Places Fund to Dorset Council. The Ultrafast Broadband project aims to deliver the most appropriate superfast broadband solution for communities, maximising benefits in a cost effective manner across the business and domestic community. Priority has been given to Dorset LEP’s key strategic sites of Dorset Enterprise Zone, Bournemouth Airport and the Western Growth area.
Ultrafast aims to deliver 3,583 premises to Customer Ready for Service (CRFS) standard and has completed connectivity at the Dorset Innovation Park and Aviation Park.
Read project press release for more information.