Board meeting table and chairs


Our board brings together a wealth of experience from the private, public and education sectors. We are fortunate to have 14 board members whose energy, commitment and wisdom lead the development of our strategic priorities and oversee all our decisions and activities.

Dorset LEP is led by a number of board members who are appointed according to our Board Recruitment Process.

Over two thirds of our members are from private sector businesses and higher or further education establishments, while the remainder are from the public sector. Our board is made up of a Chair, Deputy Chair, and representatives for Dorset's strategic interests.


We are mindful of our public responsibility when deciding how to spend government funds and operate strictly within the Government’s National Assurance Framework.

We work to the highest possible standards of transparency and accountability and ensure our decision-making offers value for money and tangible economic benefits.

The overarching priority of our board is to make decisions with Dorset’s best interest in mind. Dorset LEP's Articles of Association explain our purpose as well as our duties and responsibilities.

Code of Conduct

All Dorset LEP Board Members and Dorset LEP Staff adhere to the Code of Conduct, which adopts the Nolan Principles of Public Life as its basis.

Board members' individual signed Code of Conduct forms are available under their individual profiles.

Staff's individual signed Code of Conduct forms are available under their profiles.

Conflict of Interests

All Dorset LEP Board members and staff adhere to our Conflict of Interest policy.

Board members' individual signed Conflict of Interest forms are available under their individual profiles.

Staff's individual signed Conflict of Interest forms are available under their profiles.


Other than the Chair, Dorset LEP Board members are not remunerated but can claim reasonable Travel Expenses if travelling on Dorset LEP business.

Information on annual Board Member Expenses is available.

Board recruitment

Any positions on Dorset LEP's Board are promoted on our Work With Us page and advertised publicly. Interested candidates are required to complete and submit an application form as detailed in the Board Recruitment Process.

There are currently no vacancies.

Board induction

All new Board members undergo a formal mandatory induction process. Dorset LEP's induction pack is sent to new Board members prior to a formal induction meeting with Dorset LEP's Director and Chair. 

Meetings and minutes

Board meeting dates, papers and minutes are available.