Jim Andrews

Chief Operating Officer at Bournemouth University and the Higher Education Representative

Dorset LEP Board Member

Jim Andrews is Chief Operating Officer at Bournemouth University, having joined the university in 2010 following board and senior level roles in the National Health Service.

Jim leads the strategic development, engagement and delivery of BU’s professional and commercial functions, including Estates, Information Technology, Marketing & Communications, Student Services and Organisational Development & HR. Jim has instigated and leads on many of BU’s transformational programmes, including the development and delivery of BU’s estates vision, investing approximately £250 million by 2019 in major developments; the new IT strategy investing £21 million and the Student Journey Programme that is driving the implementation of service improvements across the entire student journey. Jim also has responsibility for community engagement, sustainability, equality and diversity, health and safety, and is the organisation's CIO, Prevent Lead and Nominated Officer for subsidiary companies.

Before joining BU, Jim spent 11 years working for a number of NHS organisations during periods of significant change and development. Most recently he was Executive Director: Strategy and Organisational Development for a leading NHS Foundation Trust where he led the implementation of the trust’s strategy, business planning and development, organisational development and HR. Jim is a Chartered Director and Fellow of the Institute of Directors and a Chartered Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development.

Jim is also a member of the Nomination & Remuneration Committee and the Dorset Skills Board.

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